The Functional Restoration Program

The core of The Rehab Center is the Interdisciplinary Pain Program for patients with chronic pain or other conditions that impair function. Our highly structured, interdisciplinary 20-day curriculum combines the resources of physical therapy, medical management, psychology, nursing, vocational and nutrition education to assist individuals toward the restoration of function and a better quality of life.

Referral to the Program should be considered when a patient complains of chronic pain and most of the following criteria are present:

  • Pain or symptoms of pain that exceed 3 months in duration

  • Surgery is not being contemplated or the patient did not respond successfully to surgery

  • Significant use of medication for pain management

  • Recovery landmarks not being achieved

  • Failure to benefit from acute physical therapy or a work hardening program

  • History of an unsuccessful transition to work.

  • Emotional distress (depression, fear, anger or anxiety). 

From Evaluation to Restoration

Patients thought to be appropriate candidates for the Interdisciplinary Pain Program are first assessed by the members of our interdisciplinary team – our physician, physical therapist and psychologist. The results of this 3-Point Evaluation are discussed with the patient and case manager in a conference. Patients who do not prove to be candidates for participation in the full program are given specific treatment recommendations.

Patients participating in the Interdisciplinary Pain Program are seen by our physicians on a daily basis. Efforts are made to reduce the use of redundant or inappropriate medications that may be ultimately harmful, encouraging instead safer and more effective means of managing pain and distress. Patients participate in a structured program of physical therapy, individual and group psychotherapy, vocational counseling, nutrition and medical education to improve overall function and enhance self-management of pain. Education is stressed, in line with our belief that accurate knowledge and expectations regarding chronic pain and its management empower our patients to make the best gains they can. Throughout the patient’s involvement in the Program, our team constantly encourages patients to learn and use active coping skills to facilitate better self-management of pain, independent function, and increased involvement in productive and rewarding activities. Vocational assessments and counseling assist patients in identifying career opportunities and preparing to return to suitable work. For patients who may not have an identified job to which they can return, assessments with CareerScope and OASYS are provided as part of the program. These provide objective information on patient aptitudes as well as interests, analyses of transferrable skills, and career recommendations consistent with the Dictionary of Occupational Titles using updated occupational databases.